This is the sixth theme from the series of 30 units for the
Preschool-Kindergarten English Language Learners. Here are some teaching tips
for the production part of the lesson plan, the fun! Games and more. Link to the resource:
Face Unit Printable Book.
Students color the shapes as indicated in the phrase. They also trace
the phrases. Assemble the book and practice reading. I added a strip of construction paper and
gluing each page. I opened two holes and looped yarn. There is a template to
create the puppet.
a video with more tips:
Face Unit Bingo is always a favorite and it can be done in
class or online. The bingo template can be used to sort out face parts. I
suggest that you cut face parts from magazines and have them ready before the
class. Give the students the bingo template and ask them to sort the face part
as they place each cutout on the corresponding part.
a video for the Bingo game:
Face Unit Matching Game. This game is for the students to describe personal characteristics, such as: brown eyes!. Students will also practice talking about colors. I labeled all the cups. Students match each cup to each picture as you
read the phrases or words for them.

The video on how to use the game. Go to Pinterest:
Maybe a puzzle for those wrap up activities for the face unit.
The half Card Game.
The favorite game board for the Face Unit.
Reminding you to see the blog post about the Face Unit Flashcards.
Follow me on Social Media. There will be more on this
resource on how to get more out of these materials. Email:
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