Saturday, September 26, 2020

Face Theme Awards, Craft and Holidays for Kindergarten ELL

 This is the sixth theme from the series of 30 units for the Preschool-Kindergarten English Language Learners. Here are some teaching ideas to wrap up the unit and to make it more time-efficient.               

Link to the Face unit resource:

Face unit

Craft. Make paper bag puppets! Fun and easy. Students can use it to greet people to say good bye and to repeat vocabulary for this unit and any other. The puppet can be used to review the face parts. 

a video on how to put them together.

Face Unit Awards. Print the trophies to hand in to the students for all the hard work to end the theme.
A video. Take a look!

Cardigan Buttons
I printed the images and traced onto felt. Cut all the pieces and cut a slit in the middle to pass through the button of the cardigan. The eye was the most difficult one, just pass one piece of the layers of the eye at a time. If you do your cardigan I would love to see it.



         Make a Valentine's Day printable book around the face unit. Students should be able to identify and use the new words.

Valentine's Day book and the face unit

           Have the students color the facial feature on each page.

                     There is an added puppet template to play along.

And the Resources for St. Patrick's Day! Have the students add the facial features. They can even add an emotion as in my example.
Have the students decribe what they drew.
Student: He has blue eyes, an orange nose and a red mouth. 
He is happy.
Teacher: Color his hair orange!
If you have gone over the clothes, have them color the clothing items as you dictate them.
St. Patrick's Day and the face unit

This resource is part of the BUNDLE for teaching Kindergarten English language Learners:

BUNDLE for teaching Kindergarten English language Learners

 Get more teaching ideas at my Instagram account:

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