Sunday, December 3, 2023

Christmas and the Face Unit for Kindergarten ESL

 This resource is part of the Face Unit_ Holistic English Series #6. Click here:

Christmas Faces Flashcards.

Hand in a flashcard to each student and have them assume that personality. Ask them questions: Who are you?

 Student: I am the Snowman!

Hand in the flashcards in random order to your students. You can print several sets, so you have a set for each group. Have your students in each group stand in line as you name the Christmas Flashcards: Santa Claus, Gingerbread man, Elf and Snowman. The first group to do so, says: In line! They can help each other to arrange themselves. Give them points and play several times.

Print the tokens available at this resource and give one to the winner every time they win to keep track of the rounds won.


Christmas and the face small cards activities

Have the students place items over the parts of the face. I used wiggly eyes, playdough for the nose and chenille that be easily bent for the mouth. You can go on for more items to supply the ears and hair.

Christmas and the face cutouts activities

I saw this idea on the website of turning a ruler into a pointer. I just printed the images (dotted lines included), cut them and put masking tape behind each character to paste onto each ruler.

Use each ruler pointer to name each facial feature. VIDEO:

There is a set of flashcards from the Face unit that students can use the Christmas pointer to indicate each facial feature.

Teacher: Point to the eyes!
Students: eyes!
Teacher: Point to the mouth!
Students: mouth!
Teacher: Point to the hair!
Students: hair!


Show the students the small cards if you are doing online teaching and have them point to their Christmas printable.
Teacher: eyes!
Students: eyes!

The face unit also comes with big and small commands flashcards. Show the flashcard and have the student touch that facial feature on any Christmas character.

With the cutouts, the same thing, show each one and students point the matching one on each Christmas character.

Christmas and the face worksheets

Students will identify and name the parts of the face of each Christmas character: Look! The eyes, the nose, the ears, the mouth! Dictate the color of each one.

Teacher: Color the eyes blue!!

Have the students color the Elf as you dictate as a listening activity. Then, ask them to name a facial feature on the Elf and then touch on their own face: mouth!!

Ask questions: Is this the eye?

Students: No, it is the nose!

Use the words provided to label any worksheet and then have the students name each facial feature.

Do color the missing facial parts. Dictate the color of all the face parts in the worksheets: Color the eyes green!

Then, ask what parts of the face are missing. They will answer: the hair, the ears! Have them complete the Gingerbread man.

Another idea of a pointer that I saw, well more of a see through I would say. Print two of each Christmas light. Have the students color both. Cut each box and glue them together leaving an open space for inserting it into the ruler. When the glue is dry cut the space inside the lights. The students can use the see through ruler light to show each part of the face as they name it.

Student: eyes! Nose! Mouth! 

To wrap it up, play Domino!

I have another blog for Elementary English Language Learners. Please visit and find ideas, activities and resources.

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