Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Season- SUMMER- Unit Flashcards for Kindergarten ESOL

  This is the following blog post for the Seasons unit resource available for teaching Kindergarten English Language Learners. First grade teachers can benefit from this clear and easy to use material for her students. The materials will foster teamwork and communication skills.

The focus will be on the Flashcards but with specific season: SUMMER. All the flashcards come with a picture and a word on the same side for literacy learning. Click on the Link to the complete resource:

Seasons unit resource

SUMMER Flashcards. Use these as a Visual Grammar Aid. Perfect to present the new vocabulary. Students will learn the ability to listen to other people such as the teacher and the classmates.

Present your Summer Flashcards and ask:
Do you like Summer? What's the weather like?
Students: It's hot!

Summer Commands Flashcards are more into what people do at the beach. Tell students to mime the actions as if they are at the beach or maybe at the park.

Summer Commands Flashcards

Vary the activities that you do with the flashcards. These have a face to label. You can also have the students guess what's missing and add them on as they say.
Teacher: What's missing?
Students: the nose on the crab!
The ears! Hair!

Visual Grammar approach

Review the emotions using these cute crabs. Students can interact with language presented.
Teacher: Make an angry face like the crab.

Summer numbers flashcards for counting or to play many other games for your students to have fun with language in different contexts.
Name the numbers as you point to them and your students will repeat. Invite a student to draw a big circle around the flashcard that you call.
Teacher: Circle number four!
Continue with more students to participate.
Summer numbers flashcards for counting

A simple game to play with the Seasons Flashcards as a teaching tool.

Use the die game as an easy Preschool activity to do in class. Place your 6 flashcards inside a plastic sleeve. Then place another paper with a number from 1 to six on the other side to cover the flashcard. You make 2 sets and use two dice. Set them on a table or a board.

As a student throws the die, turns the card with that number and names the flashcard. Remove the card if said correctly, if not, put it back.

Preschool activities seasons unit die game

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