Thursday, July 21, 2022

Season Unit small cards for Kindergarten ESL

The Seasons unit resource is available for teaching Kindergarten English Language Learners (Pre-K)in school. The focus of this blog post will be on the small cards for teaching online or with small groups. Click on the Link to the complete resource:

A quote from Alexander von Humboldt " A language cannot be taught. One can only create conditions for learning to take place"

Small Cards for the Seasons Unit are just a version of the flashcards for small group instruction or online use. They are useful for introducing the new words. Printing is easier and small enough for the little hands to manipulate. Useful enough for the internalization of the patterns exposed in language. The materials will encourage collaborative and cooperative learning. 

A sorting activity in which students will place the children cards in the corresponding season just by observing the clothes. Students can describe what they are wearing.Have them name common clothing item on several seasons, for example, hat.

sorting activity Seasons uNit small cards

Have your students work together to sort the cards according to the items that identify each season, such as weather, trees, animals and more. They will gain confidence in speaking English naturally as they name all the words.

A favorite game for so many teachers, the fly swatter!

(Pre-K) seasons unit fly swatter game

I have been seeing lots of boom box or mystery box where teachers hide objects or cards and then pull out for the students to name. I gave it a try and named it the magic box. Show me yours if you make one.

boom box or mystery box

Display all the small cards on a table or floor. Grab some bottle caps and dice and you have a board game. When a sudents lands on a card, they have to name the season: Summer!
Seasons unit small cards board game

Follow me for more on this resource!

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