Saturday, February 12, 2022

Transportation Unit Cutouts for Kindergarten English Language Learners

  This blog post is for the Cutouts included in the Transportation Unit or Mode of Transportation resource. Enseignante d'anglais teachers find this material useful.  It is available at the TPT store at this link:

Transportation cutouts for your ESL students. Assemble the roads as you print the templates onto black construction paper and color the lines in white. Tape opened clips to each vehicle and they can stand easily.  Use them to help you review the new vocabulary as students can identify and describe the vehicles.

Ask about the transportation objects: 
Teacher: What is this?
Students: a car!
Teacher: What color is the car?
Students: yellow!
Teacher: It’s a yellow car.

Transportation unit cutouts

Then, prepare the water vehicles. Ask information questions with What.

Teacher: What is that?
Students: It's a ship.

·      For the very little students prepare this matching activity. Trace the shape of each vehicle and have the students match them as they identify each one. Students can work in pairs and make this a communication activity.

communication activity for the transportation unit

Prepare your stop signs puppets for using them throughout the unit. Make one for each student.

Teacher: This is a small yellow car.

Also make the go and stop puppets using the templates to play many games in class.

     Students  will describe adjectives in a phrase or sentence. Learning these adjectives will help your students add more details to their speaking and later on their writing. Attach the transporrtation cutouts to the board as you name them and students repeat.

Teacher: This is a  truck!

Long and short. Expand your arms to show long. Long truck. Put your hands close to show short. Short truck. Do the same with the trains as you place them on the tracks. Point and say the phrase and have the students say another phrase as you modeled.
Teacher: A long truck!
Students: a long train!
Use the cutouts to help with the concept.

Mode of transportation cutouts

Review big and small with the cars and the airplanes.Ask questions:
Teacher: How many cars are there?
Students: two cars.

Teacher: What color is the small airplane?
Students: red
Ask questions:
Teacher: Where is the airplane?
Students: It’s in the sky.

      Numbers and transportation.

Have the students move the vehicle on a number. I printed the numbers onto black construction paper and colored the lines. Students can say the number as they move along the vehicle.

·      Transportation vehicles and buildings. Have the students place the vehicles next to the buildings where they belong as they listen to your sentence.
Teacher: Put the airplane at the airport.
Put the yellow car at the brown house. 

     Vehicles counting.
Print several of the same vehicles and have the students count and say a phrase.

Teacher: What are these?
Students: motorcycles!
Teacher: Count the motorcycles.
Students: one, two.
Teacher: How many motorcycles are there?
Students: two motorcycles.

     Use the land, air and water flashcards to sort the vehicles cutouts.

Sort the vehicles with your students by color, by size, by type, by number of wheels, by air, by water, by road.

Take a look:

Check the Transportation Flashcards for teaching the unit.

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