Monday, January 11, 2021

Body Unit Printable Book and Commands Flashcards

 The blog post will be short this time. It is just a printable book and Commands Flashcards for the body Unit . The link to the complete Body Unit for Kindergarten or Primary grades resource is here:

body Unit resource

Lesson Plan part 3: Production.

Printable Book. Always a book is fun to make. For this one, students color all the body parts. It can be fun to dictate the color of each phrase as they trace them.

Cut squares from recycled paper to cover the pictures.

Staple the piece of paper on the top of the picture.

This is how all pages would look like.

Place all the pages into a book ring.The idea is to lift the flap as students read each page.

Take a look at the video!

Body Unit Commands Flashcards to introduce the verbs of movement.Students should be able to follow simple commands.

Raise your hand command flashcard.Have your students practice to raise the hand everytime they want to speak. Show them the flashcard to aid into the phrase and please, do not translate.

I am including more commands to use for playing Simon Says or any other game.

 Model sentences for your students to repeat: 
        I wash my hands. 
Students: I touch my foot. I dry my hands.
Teacher: Can you wash your hands?
Students: Yes, we can!

Body Unit Commands Flashcards to introduce the verbs of movement.

Follow me for the wrap up of this resource.

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