Friday, September 18, 2020

Shapes Theme Craft, Award and Holidays for Kindergarten EFL

 This is the fifth theme from the series of 30 units for the Preschool-Kindergarten English Language Learners. Here are some teaching tips for the last part of the lesson plan- wrap up! The link to the resource:

Shape Unit Craft. The craft is always a fun way to show all what the students know and listen to new language as they move on working on the craft such as, glue, color, put, etc. This is a mobile. Elicit the words individually and chorally to check pronunciation.

Shape Unit Craft

Awards for the shape unit. There are two awards for all the hard work to end the theme.

You can print the template and paste onto a post it. Then, hand in the post or put it on any worksheet as a prize.

Or simply print and hand in the mini diplomas.

Repetition of the vocabulary in the context of the Holidays will improve the memorization of it.

First of all, there are the Halloween Shapes Flashcards. There are many games that you plan.                                       Halloween Shapes Flashcards

If the flashcards are too big for your class or printing, well, here are the Halloween small cards.

Halloween small cards

A couple of games with many possibilities of a lot more.

Halloween Shapes BINGO! Yes, another bingo. Hand in each table or group a set of bingo cards and have them cut and glue 6 cards onto their template. Start calling Bingo!

Halloween Shapes BINGO

Make a Jack-o-Lantern feed me box. I made mine using a cereal box and glued the printable Jack-o-Lantern. Students find the corresponding card and feed the Jack-o-Lantern.

Teacher: Find a triangle Mummy!

Jack-o-Lantern feed me box

Print the sorting mats for each group and have the students have fun sorting by shapes.

Halloween  shapes sorting mats

Use the sorting bags from this shapes resource. 

Halloween shapes sorting bags

Or make Halloween puppets for even more games.

Halloween puppets

Halloween Shapes Puzzles can lead to more than simply putting them together by shapes.

Halloween Shapes Puzzles

Sort them by Halloween Character or by shape.

Sort them by Halloween Character or by shape.

Another Holiday: Christmas!
Play Christmas Bingo. Each student can create their own board. They will glue the item that they want. Print your own set of calling cards.

The bingo shapes can be used for a sorting activity using the sorting mats.

Christmas Shape Puzzles:

A set of Christmas Shapes worksheets that can be turned into puppets.

Love Valentine's Day! Here are the resources for the Holiday.Here is the bingo!

And the Bingo cards can help create a sorting activity using the mats.

The Valentine's Day puzzle game to have fun during the party.

Eggs, bunnies and chicks make for Easter Printable Materials.
Review the shapes and vocabulary using the Flashcards.

There is a set of printable small cards to adjust for online teaching and small group instruction.
Choose from 4 worksheets to practice the shapes using the Easter theme. I turned the shapes into a crown. Just dictate the color of each shape. 
Teacher: Find the circle bunny! Color it yellow!

Fun printable games to go with your Easter Party or wrap up of your class.
The easy Bingo in which your students make their own board by pasting the items that they want. The same cars can be used to sort using the sorting mats.

A printable Easter game board that students can play with little supervision.
An easy puzzle to put together for Easter.


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