This is the fifth theme from the series of 30 units for the Preschool-Kindergarten English Language Learners. Here are some teaching tips for the practice part of the lesson plan. LINK to the resource:
Use the
worksheets to practice the new vocabulary and structures.
Set 1 of shapes worksheets to help students identify the basic shapes.
When all the
shapes are colored, have the students cut the shapes into small cards following
the lines. Those will be the student’s flashcards. Have the
students describe their cards. Students: The rectangle is
Adjectives Big and
small shapes worksheets. The students trace the phrase and you dictate the
color of each shape. Students then cut the small shapes and match them.
Model sentences for the students. It's a big blue rectangle. It's a small blue rectangle.
Watch the video on how I used the worksheet.
Sorting Big
and small shapes . Students follow the lines from big and small shape. As
always dictate the color of each shape. When
it is done, students cut each shape to sort them on the other worksheet.
Ask questions: Is it big or small?
A short video on I did the sorting worksheet.
Collage Activity. By tracing the shapes your childcare students are reinforcing a fine motor skill such as tracing which is also a pre-reading and writing skill. First, students trace the shapes and color them as they want. They
have to cut each shape. Give them the collage blank page to glue the shapes in
any position they want.Students should come up to the front and show their shape
collage as they describe it. Another way would be that other students identify the shapes in their classmates work.

A tip for this worksheet VIDEO.
Another idea with the tracing the shapes worksheets.Have the stduents trace the shapes using a marker. Then, they can cut the shapes and glue them onto paper. Finally, students can dot the shape using finger paint.
Another option with the shapes worksheets is to create the shape using playdough. Students will trace the words and the shapes. Then, using playdough recreate the shape.
Another matching worksheet for the very young students.Students will find the same shape as the children.
Number and color review Worksheet.
This worksheet will be on distinguishing colors for each shape. Students color the shapes and trace the phrase. Dictate the colors
of the numbers as a review. Students cut the numbers and get ready to glue a
number where you dictate.
Teacher: Put Number four on the green circle.
Cut and
paste worksheet. This is an easy for the early beginner students. As always dictate
the color of the shapes. Have the students cut and paste the shape where it
belongs. Then,
students can cut the shape person and create puppets.
Look how I created mine. VIDEO:
Students will listen and color the shapes on this worksheet .
Teacher :two red circles .
I love the listening and color activity for the worksheets.These are popsicles.
Teacher: Color the heart red!
Then, students can color the popsicles and be ready to play games.
Worksheets. There are two cut and paste worksheets for the older students.
You can use the pattern worksheet to review colors. The favorite shape
worksheet is good to use with the students in the classroom to create a graph
with all the worksheets. All these worksheets are built on identifying the differences between all the shapes.
Cards. I made three sets of cards, size, colors and shapes. Put the cards
into small bags. Grab three cards to dictate the drawing showing the cards to
the students. They will listen and draw
on a piece of paper. You draw the shape on a board and show to the students to
see if they drew the same shape.
Here is the
video on a tip on how it can be used for distance teaching.
Take a look at the video that I made as to what else can we make with the worksheets.
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Follow me
on Social Media. There will be another part with the production part of the
lesson plan using this resource.
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