Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Beach Unit Small Cards for Kindergarten ESL

 Get the Fun at Beach Unit resource for Teaching Kindergarten English Language Learners here!!            

Fun at Beach Unit resource for Teaching Kindergarten English Language Learners

This blog post will be dedicated to the printable small cards that come in the resource for creating learning games and activities. Plan your English lesson with these materials.

Beach unit small cards.They are easy to use for your students and for you.

Small cards are a very effective tools. Just place the flashcards in a circle and have the students walk around the circle and when you name a word they have to point to use using any kind of pointing material that you assigned to them. You can also play toss a real beach ball to the card.

Classroom Ideas for the small cards for the Beach unit

I had been seeing lots of teachers using the fishing rods to play the fishing game and just had to make one. Well, I got wooden rods and wrapped fun foam string that I had to one side of the rod and then I added a magnetic circle that had glue on its back on the other side of the string.

Use any set of small cards that you want to play with and slip a clip on each one. Students should say a phrase as they lift their card: orange sunglasses!

If the learners are ready, have them say a complete beach sentence in English: They are orange sunglasses.

beach sentence in English

Place several small cards with a fun foam item on each one. As students name each item on the card, they collect the fun foam. The winner is the one that gets more fun foam figures.

Beach Emotions or Feelings small cards to include in your lesson plan. Students wil identify and name the feeling of each item on the cards.

Use them to review the verb to be: The bucket is happy! Is the sandcastle happy or sad?

I tried something different for the cards. I placed the cards into slots that I made out of plastic sheets glued onto a board so I can use for other units. The idea is that students match their card to the one inside the slots. Students should be able to describe the feelings of each beach item.

Beach Emotions or Feelings small cards lesson plan

I included these readers to use with almost anything around the resource. Just glue the cutout onto a craft stick and have the students name every beach item or read any word.

Another activity to do with the Beach Unit small cards. Find some thin paper and cover the small cards and have your student trace the item and write the word if the he/she is at the stage by now.
Beach Unit small cards

play memory!

This resource is part of a bundle, check it out.

I will be waiting for you at my Instagram Account:

Find the blog post for the beach Unit cutouts that are included in this resource.

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