Thursday, January 6, 2022

Community Helpers Unit Printable book, crafts and reward for Kindergarten ELL

 This is the resource number 22-Community Helpers teaching the Early years of Preschool or Primary School. LINK:

Community Helpers Printable book.

Read to your young students as you expose them to the language enriching vocabulary that they already know. Include this in your English Lesson plan for your kids.

Community Helpers Printable book

Remember to ask questions about the pictures. The students can have the books to take home and read with their parents. Print the books on card stock instead of paper for durability. This book is interactive as students cut and paste the community helpers to their work space. Pasting is also a fine motor skill to develop at this age.
English lessons for kids
Take a look inside the book.

Community Helper Crafts.

Moving those little fingers will help with the fine motor skills as they express themselves making their favorite community helper. Glue the facial features, hair and hats onto a paper plate to make their favorite community helper. There you have puppets for many other activities.

Community Helper Crafts puppets
Students can point to each one and identify them.

preschool community helpers printables

Students can identify and name each facial features and hats.

Take a look!

Community Helpers Rewards. Hand in the Badge as a positive reinforcement for the best behavior or student participation. Say why you are giving the student the reward. It can be done after an assessment.

Teacher: Peter, you can name all the community helpers. Very good!

Community Helpers Rewards

Check the other blog post for the Community Helpers Flashcards:
community helper and places

There is a Community Helpers Bundle available at the TPT store. Check it out!

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