Sunday, October 17, 2021

Park -Playground unit Flashcards for Kindergarten English Language Learners

 This is the first blog post for the park or playground unit resource. The complete resource is here:

Take a look of the complete resource.

Park Unit Flashcards are a popular classroom tool to play as many games as you have the time. Not only play, but to introduce the new vocabulary of the unit to improve your student’s memorization skill, such as the key vocabulary of: park,swing,seesaw,monkey bars,slide. Students should be able to understand and use all the words about the playground items.

Use these playground picture cards to start describing locations using complete sentences.
Ask questions: What's this?
Students: It's a playground.
Use the flashcards to introduce can: Can you play hopscotch?
Ask key language: Do you like to play on the swings?

playground picture cards flashcards

Activity. Show a playground flashcard and have the students point and name each one.
Teacher: Swing!
Students: swing! (pointing to the swing flashcard)

Making suggestions. As students might go to the park at school, introduce the phrase Let’s go to---! Show a flashcard and make an inviting gesture to a student.
Teacher: Let’s go to the swings!

There are several commands flashcards to do this activity. Using the most common park verbs: swing, push, pull,hang, run, walk.

Place the swing and the push flashcards on the board together. Do the same with hang and monkey bars. Students mime the action.
Teacher: Push the swing!
Students: Push the swing! (do the action of pushing a swing)

                            basic classroom commands in english

The flashcards aid to identify actions. Say the sentence as you point to the flashcard and have the students mime the action.
Teacher: sliding the slide!
Ask questions:
Teacher: Who’s climbing the jungle gym?
Students: the boy!

 Teacher: What is she doing?
Students: She's playing hopscotch!


Students might already know these park related words for nature. Ask students what they have seen in the park.
Teacher: Have you seen a tree? (point to the tree)
Students: Yes! No!
Count how many students have seen a tree in a park.


Flashcards Teacher says! Place several flashcards around the room. Give instructions and have the students perform them using the classroom commands flashcards.
Teacher: Run to the jungle gym!
Students run to the flashcard of the jungle gym.

Ask your students what other things they can do at the playground. 
Teacher: Can you jump? What can you do ?

Park unit flashcards activity

Set up an interactive writing station where students can choose a card with a picture of a clothing item and use magnetic letters to spell the word on the board. Students will write the playground words next to each playground flashcard.

Ask questions: Where is the boy?
                      He's on the swing.
interactive writing station with flashcards park unit

Commands Flashcards for the Playground unit. Students should be able to understand and follow these simple commands.

Use them to have the students mime each action that they do in the playground.
Teacher: run! (students mime running in the class)       

 These flashcards can be used to introduce the present continuous: 

Teacher: He is jumping!
What is she doing?
Students: She's crawling.
Put two flashcards together of the same verb and ask questions.
Teacher: What are they doing?
Students: They are flying a kite.


Print the teddy bears at the park mat. Place it inside a clear plastic sheet so you can reuse as many times as you need. Tell your stduents that the teddy bears are playing at the playground. Give them bottle caps if they are old enough to mark the teddy bear that you are talking about.
Teacher: The teddy bear is at the slide. (green! place the green bottle cap on the teedy bear)
Continue with more.

teddy bears at the park mat
Students can also draw things that are at the park, such as trees, balls and more.

Some teachers are in dual language classroom and need Flashcards in Spanish which is my native language. There are many other words for naming the parts of the park. I used these common ones, but I can make the flashcards with the specific word in your native Spanish.  

A nice comment from a teacher: 
There is more to this park-playground resource on the next blog post.The same flashcards but in a smaller size for online teaching or small group instruction.

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