Friday, February 19, 2021

Rooms in the house for the EFL teachers

 More on the ESL rooms of the house unit resource. LINK to the complete material for your English Language Learner in Preschool or Kindergarten or Special education Students:

 House Unit

Today, I will move on with the second part: Rooms in the house or Parts of the house: kitchen, bathroom, living room,dining room,bedroom. Family in the house. Toys in the house.

The flashcards are good because the word is on each one and the students will be able to see the name and hear it.

Introduce the rooms of the house by making a mind map.
Teacher: What is this?
Students: It is a house.
Teacher: This is the living room.
Continue with all the other rooms in the house as the students identify and name them.

ESL rooms of the house unit resource

Students should be able to identify the family members vocabulary and say in which room of the house they are.
Place the family members flashcards on the board along with a room of a house flashcard. Say where each person is. Repeat with all family members.
Teacher: Who is this?
Students: The baby!
Teacher: Baby is in the living room.  Where is Sister?
Students: Sister is in the bedroom!

family members flashcards  in  a room of a house

Place the rooms of the house flashcards on the board. Distribute the family members flashcards to several students and have them place them next to the room of the house as they listen to your sentence.

Teacher: Mommy is in the bedroom.

Toys in  Parts of the House Activity. If you taught the toys vocabulary to your class, it is time to review the verb to be. Place the rooms of the house flashcards on a wall. Give the toys flashcards to several students to place them by listening to your instructions.
Teacher: The doll is in the living room.
Students: The gray robot is in the kitchen!
Students: There is a yellow car in the bedroom!

Toys in  Parts of the House Activity. flashcards

People in the house flashcards. Place the rooms of the house flashcards on the board. Hand in all the people flashcards to random students. At your signal have them place the people in each room.
Students: Pam and Rick! (They can point to the people)
Teacher: Who is on the bedroom?

House Unit Cutouts. The cutouts help the students with the meaning of new words. The cutouts are for introducing the concept with another resource. Review numbers, colors and family members vocabulary with this activity.  Spread the houses on a table or board. Hand in all the family members.

Teacher: Daddy is at house number three.

Continue as all the family members are placed at a house.

Ask questions:

Teacher: Where is Sister?
Students: House number ten!

Take a look!

Hide a family member cutout behind each room of the house flashcard.
Students: Sister!
Teacher: This is the bathroom. Who is in the bathroom ?

Watch this!

I made a house by pasting the rooms onto a box. You can review the rooms of the house and play by placing the family members in each room.

Teacher: Where is Daddy?
Students: Daddy is in the bedroom.

Commands Flashcards should be explained to the student’s parents to be used more often at home when possible. Place the rooms of the house flashcards around the classroom.  Show a command flashcard and have the students go to that corresponding place doing the action.
               Crawl to the living room!
Teacher: Run to the bathroom!

Rooms in the House Printable Book. Use the book to teach early literacy skills. The book has predictable words on each page. Point out all the sight words: is in the. Have the students circle those words on each page. I glued each family member onto yarn and glue all the threads behind the book. As you read the book, move the person to the corresponding page.

Take a look on how I assembled the book and how to use it.

Parts of the House Vocabulary Worksheets for Kindergarten ELL. Students will color each room of the  house in one color, it is easier. Have them cut the cards and those will be their personal flashcards.
Teacher: Color the bathroom yellow!
What color is the bedroom?
House unit Vocabulary Worksheets

This worksheet is a house model with the rooms written down. Students can cut the room from the previous worksheets or draw the rooms, even more cut furniture from magazines and glue where they belong.
Parts of the House Vocabulary Worksheets for Kindergarten ELL.

House Unit Worksheets mix familiar and new things to do. Students will identify and describe the toys found in a room in a house. After finishing the worksheets there are more things to do with them. The living room worksheet is also included.

Review the toys vocabulary with this worksheet.
Teacher: What room is this ?
Students: bedroom!
Teacher: Color the teddy bear brown.

my toys worksheets for kids

Family members in a room worksheet! Dictate the color of each room of the house: the living room is yellow! Continue with the rest. Then have the students cut all the family members and glue as you assign: Daddy is in the bathroom. Glue Daddy in the bathroom.

Family members in a room worksheet

A Rooms of the house dice game. Print the templates and create the dice. Place the rooms of the house and the family members on the table. Students will throw the dice and say what showed up: Father-bedroom.Father is in the bedroom. Students will place the father in the bedroom.
Rooms of the house dice game

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