Monday, May 30, 2022

Zoo animals Unit Games for Kindergarten ESL

   This is the next blog post for the ZOO unit on the printable games available for teaching Kindergarten English Language Learners. Click on the Link to the complete teaching material:

Bowling GAME with zoo animals water bottles. Pictures will always help students remember the vocabulary faster.I cut off the tap of the bottle and a little below. I glued the animal template.  Give your students a ball to toss and throw to the zoo animal. This game also keeps a focus on eye-hand coordination including spatial awareness. It is also a great speaking game as they name the animal they knocked.

Bowling with zoo animals water bottles

BINGO and language go together, it improves the listening and speaking skills. Students get to listen to the word and they usually repeat several times to make sure they heard it right or to say to another classmate.

BINGO and language

The domino game works with simple to recognize  patterns as they match the pictures and name them. Play with 5 to 7 domino unit per student. This kind of game sharps the child's hand-eye coordination.

pictures for Domino game Zoo animals

The file folder game is an opportunity for extra practice in small groups. Play during those last 10 minutes of the class as a wrap up.

Reinforce social emotional expressions. It’s a sorting game but you can adapt the cards any way you need for your specific group. Students will describe the feeling on each card.

zoo animals file folder game

A tip on how to assemble the game.

Students can take the file folder game home to reinforce the shapes with their parents. This game aims to have the students classify the zoo animals by their shape.

file folder game  to reinforce the shapes

Board games are considered boring for some but children enjoy a fun game that doesn´t take long and that they can play on their own. You can print a one page game board or print two pages and glue them and make a bigger one.

Board games for the zoo animal unit

Half card games are great for helping your student’s attention to detail as they classify the cards to make a zoo animal.

Half card games

Pocket charts. I intend this printable to be used on a pocket chart, but you can use anywhere, on a desk, on the floor, a wall, on the board, you name it.

Students can be teachers as they match the words to the pictures with another student.

Pocket charts for the zoo unit

Students can make sentences on their own. It's important to use the pictures to show that words have meaning.

make sentences using the pocket charts

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