Sunday, June 21, 2020

ESL Community Helpers worksheets-last part of the resource

Link to the Community Helpers resource:

Take a look of the complete resource and then check all the blog posts related to it.
         The resource is also listed here: 

This is the last post for the community helper resource update.
Teachers still love worksheets and take a look !
Worksheet 1. The vocabulary worksheet is usually the first one that I use. Students trace the words and color the community helpers. This worksheet can be cut in cards to use as flashcards to play several games, such as, SHOW ME!!
Teacher: Show me the chef!
community helpers worksheets for kindergarten

Worksheet 2. This is an oldie. Students cut the items that match each worker.
community helper preschool

Worksheet 3. Students cut the hats and glue them as they listen to your indication.
Teacher: Mother is a policewoman.
Father is a firefighter.
Grandma is a chef.
Grandfather is a pilot.
community helpers caps

Community Workers Worksheet 4. This is a new worksheet for the update of this resource.
Students color the vehicles as you dictate to them.
Teacher: the ambulance is red and white. The firetruck is red and gray. The mail truck is brown. The police car is blue.
Then, have the students cut each vehicle and glue where they belong. Remind them to trace all the words.
Community Helpers Worksheet

Worksheet 5. This worksheet  will match the town buildings .
First, the students will trace the community helper to the item related to each person. Then, dictate the color of each town building.
Teacher: The restaurant is orange. The police station is blue. The fire station is red. The school is yellow. The hospital is white and red.
Students cut all the town building and glue them in the middle of the line that connects the community helper to the item.
community workers worksheet

Worksheet 6. An easy label the community helpers and trace the word. 
community helpers worksheets kindergarten

I love cutouts and they couldn't be missed from the resource. I made a crown with them and then had the students point to each vocabulary as the crown holder names them.

More with the cutouts!  Place the community helper and the transportation plus the town cutout all together.
community helpers preschool printables

Monday, June 15, 2020

Father's Day 2020

Y esta semana haremos el Dia del Padre ( Father's Day) para Kinder y Preparatorio.
Recibieron su PDF con las imágenes para colorear. Las pueden colorear como quieran usando creyones, marcadores, pinta dedos. Lo pueden decorar con lo que quieran.
Cuando esté listo, por detrás de la corbata y de la medalla le pueden colocar un ganchito con un tape. Miren la foto.
Después seguimos con los marca libros! hay diferentes modelos para que escojan cual quieren hacer y los pueden regalar a los padres de la familia. Igualmente los colorean como desean. Les pueden añadir la lana como en la foto.

Recuerden tomar una foto de sus manualidades y enviar a la teacher.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

ESL Community Helpers cutouts and ideas on how to use them

Link to the community helpers resource:

Community Helpers CUTOUTS!

This blog post is about how to use the cutouts. I have seen on many Instagram pictures of teachers that do distance teaching use lots of cutouts. I have used them for years. The book series for Preschool and some Elementary would come with them. It changes the pace of always using flashcards. Here are just a few ideas and along the blog you can check a lot more activities that might suit your class.     


IDEA 1. Help your students become better readers.  I made labels for each cutout. But you can make labels for any community helper cutout that you have or create.

community helper cutout label activity

IDEA 2. Create puppets just by gluing a craft stick.Use the puppets to introduce new vocabulary in a classroom setting or from your computer. Watch the video.

IDEA 3. Review prepositions or positional words. This can be done with young students and with older ones as well. I glued the town building in front of a lunch bag in order to do the preposition IN. The rest of the community helpers cutouts I glued them onto toilet paper rolls. Watch the video on how I used it with all the other prepositions to help students become effective speakers.

community helpers cutouts speaking

IDEA 4. If you have pocket charts it is great for children to complete the task at their own pace. If not, the matching can be done on a table or the floor. Students will match the things the community helpers use and the place they work.

things the community helpers use and the place they work.

IDEA 5. Any old file folder can be used to create a game using the cutouts. I did it by cutting the cutouts in half and gluing one half onto the file folder. Students have to match the missing half and say the word. I glued an envelope outside the file folder to keep the matching halves. Watch the video.

IDEA 6. I love making crowns. Kids always want something to put on their heads. Review the vocabulary using the crown as they name the community helpers in English, just watch the video.

name the community helpers in English

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

ESL Community Helpers letter arts and crafts, puzzles and wheel

Link to the complete resource:

COmmunity Helpers unit resource
or here:

Just reminding you to check part 1, 2 and 3. LINKS:

Letter arts and crafts. I have a collection of letter arts. I did another set with new clip art. You can make the letters and use them to review the vocab or have the students make their own letters.

Here’s a video on how to get the most out of the letters.Several examples:



Puzzle game. Give each student a community helper. Have them color the picture and then cut in the middle along the line.

Puzzle 1. Students pile all the pieces and as a group put all the community helpers together. VIDEO:

Puzzle 2. Students pile all the pieces and grab two random pieces and stand in line in the classroom. At your signal, students walk around looking to complete a puzzle.

Puzzle 3. (Distance learning) Students pile all the pieces and alone or with family members at home put all the community helpers together. VIDEO:

VOCABULARY WHEEL. The wheel is always fun for the students. I could use for reviewing the vocabulary instead of using the flashcards. The wheel comes in black and white for the students to color or you can make the wheel for reviewing purpose.

Just an idea on how to use it.

Cutout fun as students label.

The cutouts always help for demonstrating in -on -under.

Check the video:

Check my Instagram Account!