Friday, August 9, 2013

Circus Theme for ELL

This is part 1 for the Circus Unit resource. Part 2 can be found here:
The link is to my Teachers Pay Teachers store: 
or this store:

1.  Pocket charts: searching other teacher´s blog I saw how they use them in their classes and thought about incorporating them in my EFL class. I bought one, it is very small, but we usually get small classrooms or either we share with another teacher the space. The good thing is that if you rotate through school you can carry it with you because it folds and it´s not heavy at all. You can make pocket charts for teaching vocabulary, and for discipline matters. Store all your pocket charts resources by theme in ziplock bags and label for further use. I usually print everything on cardboard and if possible laminate. 
Remember to use a pointer when reading the circus vocabulary with the pocket chart.
circus vocabulary pocket chart.

I found this clown´s head and feet that matches the theme.  I can send it to your email. Please write a request:

2.  Puppets: use them for oral drill of any structure that you teaching in class, for reviewing vocabulary words, for greeting the students or for motivating them. You can make your set or have students make their own puppets.  I got the printable from the internet search. I do have the file, it is only by email request.(
I also made some movable puppets which I printed onto cardboard, cut out all the pieces, made holes using a hole puncher, used tiny brads to join all the pieces. They also make an excellent resource to teach the body parts. Once again, it is yours by email request.

3.  Circus assemble: my book Jellybeans (RichmondPublishing) has a nice idea for making this kind of diorama for the circus theme. I used a paper plate as instructed, but a shoe box will work as well. I added the tent top as background. The students can classify the people and the animals that work at the circus using the circus assemble.  Ask for it. (

4.  Circus Role Play Masks: I got these lovely print at this great website and for free.

5.  Cut and paste: Searching the web I found this clown and thought about a shape and face review activity. This is an art technique that is appropiate for the EFL class. Use all kinds of materials such as different colored and textured  papers,beads, glitter, feathers. Just plan on using the best glue and scissors for your class, by asking the room teacher.Get it from me.

6.  Ringmaster props: I saw this nice idea at my Jellybeans book. Play the Ringmaster Says instead of  Simon Says.  I made my props out of fun foam which is my favorite material for creating my props that can double as photo props or you can use them for playing the Ringmaster Teacher as you greet them at the door. 

7. Circus Book: There aren´t many books for the EFL class that are adapted for our needs , so I´m making my own. I came up with this book. It can be printed in black and white or full color. Reading the book to the class exposes them to the vocabulary in a context, with engaging colored images which review all the words and structures. Have them around so the students can read by themselves.
Print the book and make it a coloring book.
8. Review the alphabet with the Letter Arts and Crafts.

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